10 Stories of Hope DBS

  1. Mark 2:1-12

  2. John 3:1-17

  3. Mark 5:1-20

  4. Luke 7:37-50

  5. Luke 15:11-32

  6. Luke 17:11-19

  7. Luke 18:9-14

  8. Luke 19:1-10

  9. John 4:1-42

  10. Mark 4:1-20

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Discovery Group Questions:


  • What are you thankful for?

  • What’s a challenge you’re facing right now?

  • How did you do with your last ‘I Will’ Statement and did you share with others?


  • Read the passage

  • Someone re-tell it in their own words

  • Ask

  1. What stands out to you?

  2. What does this text tell us about God?

  3. What does this text tell us about people?


  • How can you specifically live out what you’re learning in this text?

  • Everyone creates an ‘I Will ’ Statement.

  • Who are you going to tell about what you discovered this week?


  • Ask the questions, don’t teach

  • Focus on applying what is discovered

  • Try to stay in the passage

  • Pass off leadership: after a couple of times, let others facilitate

  • Multiply: could current members start a group of their own?

Find more scripture lists at: DBSGROUPS.COM


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