Coaching Tips for Facilitators

Are you facilitating a group? Want to dive deeper into why the questions are asked and how you can facilitate better? Check out the video below.


  1. Ask Questions, Don’t Teach (let scriptures teach, not you)

  2. Focus on Obedience, not just Knowledge (knowledge best flows from obedience, not the opposite)

  3. Pass off Leadership (don’t let it be dependent on you)

  4. Stay in the passage (puts everyone on the same page)

  5. Always model easy reproducibility (don’t complicate the process too much)

The Pillars and Practices of a DBS: The What and the Why

The Practices

  1. A Time of Connecting and Sharing together about life

    • Non-Spiritual Questions that become something so much more

    • Thankfulness leads to praise, challenges lead to prayer and care

  2. Discover what the Bible says together

    • Sit in it together. Discovery is so much better than someone giving us the answers

  3. Respond to what it says with your life

    • Create “I Will Statements” and circle back to those next week

    • By living it out we can test its truth

    • Share with others! If it’s true it’s worth talking about

The Pillars:

  1. Discovery Learning (not Proclamational Teaching)

    • Discovery Groups allow people to not just consume information, but instead to actively pursue truth

  2. Obedience-Focused Discipleship

    • Learning information doesn’t change lives. DGs focus on applying what Jesus tells us, and it’s in that step of obedience we experience something way more powerful than mere knowledge

  3. Immediate Sharing & Multiplication

    • Changed lives make others notice. When people share what’s happening, it tends to go viral…


Personal DBS


What are Discovery Groups?