Guided Listening Prayer

God has given us many ways to engage with Him, to worship and adore Him, to speak to and hear from Him. Through Contemplative Prayer, we open ourselves up to hear from the Father, actively listening to what he has to say to us. About us. Throughout the 4 Gospels we see Jesus consistently removing himself from the crowds, from the 12 disciples, even from his closest 3, to spend time with the Father. Jesus tells us in John 12:49 that he speaks not on his own, “but the Father himself who sent me has given me a command to say everything I have said.” How can Jesus know what he is to say and do if he is not listening?

Listening Prayer is the spiritual practice of positioning ourselves to hear the voice of God, a way to experience the reality of His love for us and our belonging to Him. In listening to the Father, He:

  • Speaks truth that sets us free. John 8:32

  • Gives revelation of what may need to be confessed or forgiven: “Search me, oh God…” Psalm 139:23

  • Gives us wisdom for difficult situations; “If any of you lacks wisdom, go to God and ask Him...” James 1:5.

  • Clarifies our missional assignments; “Set apart for me Barnabas and Saul for the work to which I have called them” Acts 13:2

  • Gives us words of encouragement for others; “But the person who prophesies speaks to people for edification, encouragement, and consolation” 1 Corinthians 14:3 

Consider utilizing this guided listening prayer as a starting point to engage this practice. Gain comfort in listening, hearing, discerning. God is always speaking, but we will not hear Him if we don’t listen.


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